Attack on Taliban BMP - Warning Graphic Images

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SOF Support
Feb 8, 2007
Land of Swine and Maple Syrup

Image is copyrighted, are we GTG posting it like this, or should I just post the link?
As much as I trust, I looked for some other stuff on it. Can't find it on snopes or any other hoax sites. But I found another thread on metafilter and something on another site referring to the mine strike.

Captures from a video of an attack on a Taliban BMP. All I have to say is "holy crap." Graphic. Interesting. Discuss amongst yourselves.
posted by manero (24 comments total)

Completely untrue.

I deleted a post leading to the same images almost a year ago (for being too graphic and not having anything worth discussing). It's some video footage from some random tank/mine explosion perhaps in afghanistan, but certainly not during this war time.
posted by mathowie at 4:03 PM on January 25

Taliban/Al Qaida Ex-Russian BMP Gets Blasted
by John Hawkins

This is a short movie of a Taliban/Al Qaida ex-Russian BMP that goes boom. This was hit by Navy F-14s with GBU-16 laser guided bombs. I haven't seen this footage anywhere else.

Check out the brutal payback from Uncle Sam right here.

(**Editor's Note: It looks like this is not a recent series of pictures. I've now been told this is a Russian vehicle being hit by Muslim mines. While I haven't been able to confirm this, I've been told the same things from two different sources, one of which is highly reliable**)
© Copyright 2001-2007 John Hawkins
I seen this years ago, the info I had at the time said it was a Russian/Soviet APC being blown up in A'stan/Chechnya. :2c:

Also if you listen to the vid, the camera man says "Allah Akbar", not CCT procedure last time I checked, but what do I know! lol
Mods/Admins please edit post accordingly to reflect the true nature of the story behind the picture.

I seen this years ago, the info I had at the time said it was a Russian/Soviet APC being blown up in A'stan/Chechnya. :2c:

Also if you listen to the vid, the camera man says "Allah Akbar", not CCT procedure last time I checked, but what do I know! lol

lol, it could be new CCT procedure for use during infiltration ops, never know who's watching.

Hence my earlier post to edit accordingly and feel free to move/delete, etc. lol
Well I don't know this for a fact, until we do I dont see the need to change it. :2c:
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