Marines claim excessive duty is forcing them to stay on base during the holidays


Sep 12, 2012
Never let it be said that the United States Marine Corps is not the master of “group punishment“.

I’m going to have to dig a little bit to find it, but I recently read about an incident at 29 Stumps where all of the NCOs were chewed out by the Sergeant Major for not preventing the chaos that had happened that particular weekend.

It mattered not if the NCO was on duty, off duty, or just relaxing in their room. They were responsible for what happened that weekend.

The Grinch at 29 Palms? Marines claim excessive duty is forcing them to stay on base during the holidays

The bolded part below is my favorite! LOL

Duty rosters showed to Marine Corps Times indicate that in December sergeants are standing all the duty NCO positions, while the other positions are primarily being stood by corporals. No non-NCO is standing any of the positions for December, the duty rosters showed to Marine Corps Times confirm.

The Marines are not standing duty as punishment, Maj. Kendra Motz, a spokeswoman for the 1st Marine Division told Marine Corps Times Tuesday.

Rather, the command has sought to responsibly bolster the presence of duty non-commissioned officers in the barracks to ensure good order and discipline and the safety of the Marines,” Motz said.

Motz did not confirm whether a fight over Thanksgiving occurred within the battalion, nor did she say exactly what triggered the duty roster change.