McRaven's Bombshell Op-Ed


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006

"Over the past decade I have seen a disturbing trend in how politicians abuse and denigrate military leadership, particularly the officer corps, to advance their political agendas. Although this is certainly not a new phenomenon, it seems to be growing in intensity. My concern is that if this trend of disrespect to the military continues it will undermine the strength of the officer corps to the point where good men and women will forgo service — or worse the ones serving will be reluctant to make hard decision for fear their actions, however justified, will be used against them in the political arena."


That's some pretty strong stuff.
Ooh Rah, sir.

During my past several years in uniform, I watched in disbelief how lawmakers treated the chairman, the service chiefs, the combatant commanders and other senior officers during Congressional testimony. These officers were men of incredible integrity, and yet some lawmakers showed no respect for their decades of service. I saw the DOD Inspector General’s Office frequently act as judge and jury, apparently accountable to no one, dismissing the recommendations of the services and ruining officer’s careers. I watched time and again how political correctness and pressure from Capitol Hill undermined command authority and good order and discipline.
That is a very well written letter. I just hope it causes the civilian leadership in this country to take a good look in the mirror.

I have my doubts though.
One slight disagreement,
The Army and AF IG systems are weak, at best, and sometimes the DoD IG is the only recourse.
John Q Public has weekly examples of the corrupt AF system, and I see examples here on a regular basis to know the Army IG is no longer "independent".
I would not be surprised to see the navy's IG system having been usurped either.

The NavSpecWarCom Admiral who retired as a one-star was punished for retaliating against people who filed an IG Complaint against him. The initial complaint was not substantiated, but the reprisal complaint was. That's a big error in his judgement.

I don't know what McCain's beef is with the next guy tapped for the job, just that McCain is complaining about contracting and waste.

I am just amazed that McCain took time from crucifying the AF to go after an Admiral.
Honestly I am surprised that the lure of service to senior officers and GOs/Admirals still beckons to the point of putting up with the increasingly hostile and intrusive civilian leadership. With the private sector payout and a chance to use a public forum to openly debate I am surprised more don't run for the door.
Honestly I am surprised that the lure of service to senior officers and GOs/Admirals still beckons to the point of putting up with the increasingly hostile and intrusive civilian leadership. With the private sector payout and a chance to use a public forum to openly debate I am surprised more don't run for the door.
I'm not.
The lure of that star is strong for some.
Look at post 12 year retention rates to see those headed for promotion and those headed into industry.