Compromised by Kids?


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
Snipers and others, a friends of mine recently asked about examples of operations compromised by children, and what the actions/outcomes were. We have "big" examples like Bravo Two Zero and of course Lone Survivor, and the lesser-remembered incident of ODA 525 in Desert Storm. Are there any other examples you know of? Anecdotal vignettes from your personal experiences are fine.
Our UK COIN (called MOOTW then) instructor in the basic course told a story about being compromised by kids playing soccer when he and two others were on an LP/OP watching a house in Northern Ireland. He said within 15 minutes there was a patrol of 7 x IRA with small arms on his team. When I, wide-eyed 2LT asked 'what happened then,' he very nonchalantly said 'we were better marksmen, they left 3 dead when they retreated and my team was thankfully unwounded.' That guy had a number of stories, all pretty impressive.
My house is fully alerted whenever squirrels, possums, or other small vermin are sighted. 8-)

Yep; and God forbid should another dog happen by... at the end of a leash... minding his own business on the other side of the street...
Yep; and God forbid should another dog happen by... at the end of a leash... minding his own business on the other side of the street...

Mine is like the Mrs Kravitz of the neighborhood. Seems to think everything that happens is "his business".

//Sorry for the hijack//
ODA -525 was Bulldog Balwanz's (if you saw a picture you would know why he's called bulldog). A day or so earlier MSG (later CSM) Jeff Sims went in with a spilt team. They were comped by kids. First time I ever heard of the Broken Arrow call (or whatever it was then). (When 525 was comp'ed my first thought was "OH FUCK !! AGAIN" and went looking for the Corps ALO) It was a four or five (?) hour long fight. They moved into a drainage canal system near a village. Sims had trained his guys in long range shooting. So they were knocking out spotters in the village. The Iraqi's tried to assault where the team holed up. The FAC over head rolled fast movers in with guns, CBU's , what ever else he had stacked up overhead. Sims said during the debrief that they had bus loads of troops unloading by the village. They formed up, started up and were raped by the close air. This went on... FINALLY 160th got a bird up there (originally there were debates about sending them in daylight). They came in UNDER power lines with the CSAR and door miniguns in full roar. In fact, the door gunner knocked down three guys that were about 50 meters away that tried to rush the bird from irrigation ditch (Note To Self: NEVER try to bun rush a MH-60 with mini guns as door guns. It WILL turn out bad.) Sims and his team just dived in the bird while trailing their SATCOM antenna.... which did not make it back to Rafa.

I was part of the debriefing team for both Balwanz and Sims and had chosen the NAI's that both teams got assigned. (If you want to authenticate me with Sims.... ask him about me stopping the truck on the way back from the 160th so they could bend the straight pins in their frags and disarm any other demo they had. Sims was not real big on the whole PW thing...) If you read 'At The Hurricane's Eye' by Greg Walker; the chapters on this read damn near exactly like my debriefing reports. While the rest of the book is somewhat contriversial; these two parts are X ring'd.
My house is fully alerted whenever squirrels, possums, or other small vermin are sighted. 8-)

and................................... that's why there are no screen doors on the sliders anymore.... Bruno Smash! just to play with the little furry critters, and bring their legs home for dad....
and................................... that's why there are no screen doors on the sliders anymore.... Bruno Smash! just to play with the little furry critters, and bring their legs home for dad....

When I was a kid, our Collie ( yup, the first of the breed) had a thing with the milkman ( yep, they would deliver door to door; in glass bottles); went thru the screen door and flat took him out. We're talking real steel screen door. Milk and broken bottles all over the lawn. Quite a sight.