Army releases results of Fort Hood review after Vanessa Guillen death


Sep 12, 2012
I don’t know if any Army base gets more discussion on this site than Fort Hood.

Army releases results of Fort Hood review after Vanessa Guillen death — Daily Mail

The Army will relieve or suspend at least 14 Fort Hood commanders and leaders from their positions following the results of the independent review into the culture and command of Fort Hood in the wake of Vanessa Guillen's death.

'Investigation after Vanessa Guillen murder found Fort Hood has a command climate that was permissive of sexual harassment and sexual assault,' Army Secretary Ryan McCarthy said in a press conference Tuesday afternoon.
I was looking to see if we had a thread on this, I know we haven't really talked about this much on the board.

Reading the names it's like a blast from the past. When Stephen Twitty was CG 1AD and Ft Bliss. Broadwater was the DCG-S. I don't know him well but I sat in many meetings with him. Extremely intelligent dude.

Pat White took over as CG of 1AD and Ft Bliss while I was still in the G5 section, also an extremely intelligent guy.
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This independent review came up tonight (taco tuesday-- with awesome pico de gallo-- so good).

My takeaway is the report receiving national level exposure and being all over social media, is very positive-- because at different levels, the key findings are relevant to the implementation of the Army SHARP programs at other locations.

In my opinion, an error in the report is that it does not include enough male input and that is both unfortunate, and honestly shocking to me.

It was my immediate question when skimming it- why are they saying "xyz women polled stated XYZX".

I didn't read 152 pages, but in at least in some sections, it only included women polled, and in this day and age, I was surprised how that passed the sniff test.

Anyway. Not wanting to be a negative nancy, and hopefully they will adjust and correct in the future.
This independent review came up tonight (taco tuesday-- with awesome pico de gallo-- so good).

My takeaway is the report receiving national level exposure and being all over social media, is very positive-- because at different levels, the key findings are relevant to the implementation of the Army SHARP programs at other locations.

In my opinion, an error in the report is that it does not include enough male input and that is both unfortunate, and honestly shocking to me.

It was my immediate question when skimming it- why are they saying "xyz women polled stated XYZX".

I didn't read 152 pages, but in at least in some sections, it only included women polled, and in this day and age, I was surprised how that passed the sniff test.

Anyway. Not wanting to be a negative nancy, and hopefully they will adjust and correct in the future.
Excellent point but one that is wasted on today's "woke" generation. This is the same as affirmative action. It affirms one group while discounting another. I see it all the time at work and I hate it. Unfortunately, the risk aversity crowd listen to the whiners, nay, promote them, and the rest of us go to useless "diversity" training.
I didn't read 152 pages, but in at least in some sections, it only included women polled, and in this day and age, I was surprised how that passed the sniff test.

Anyway. Not wanting to be a negative nancy, and hopefully they will adjust and correct in the future.

I find it unsurprising given the way some things are going.

One thing I found a problem from when I was rat at VMI through my time on active duty is that too much of the SHARP training basically tells males they're rapists. I'm not sure how much the program has changed, but it made for some very ineffective training in my opinion.

Just a general comment. There have been clearly a lot failings at Ft Hood.
I find it unsurprising given the way some things are going.
Yeah, I was hoping they would have gotten it more right at this point, but you're right. It is unsurprising. Pretty much par for the course. It sucks. I had delusions of grandeur they actually fixed it.
I'm watching John Wick for the first time, it's awesome and afterwards I'm going to reply more about the blanket "don't be rapists" EO training. I was either pre-SHARP or just blocked them out because they were so awful but they're a problem.

Edit: Can I delete this? I don't like how many posts I've made and it's making me ish. Is that a thing? Can it be?
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Unfortunately, the risk aversity crowd listen to the whiners, nay, promote them, and the rest of us go to useless "diversity" training.
The fucking whiners get on my last nerve. I'm like, "Shut it Becky. Just fucking shut your stupid mouth. Just get your damn Tilapia from the Costco fish refrigerator and move along."
Adding the tilapia just confuses everyone and makes it funnier for me, personally.
This is ultimately a leadership problem where unengaged leaders allowed toxic cultures to develop within these commands. This tragic event, and the other sexual harassments/assault incidents, are a manifestation of this leadership vacuum. There is no way that this is the only problem at Fort hood. I have no doubt that you also have unreported hazing incidents and who knows what else there. You can pin all of that on poor leadership at all levels.
Excellent point but one that is wasted on today's "woke" generation. This is the same as affirmative action. It affirms one group while discounting another. I see it all the time at work and I hate it. Unfortunately, the risk aversity crowd listen to the whiners, nay, promote them, and the rest of us go to useless "diversity" training.
THIS is exactly why I despise the McCabe, Strozk & Page-types within the USG. There are senior executives making operational decisions BASED UPON THEIR WOKENESS.

Trump’s campaign was targeted because of its ideals, which were to question the status quo. I am 100% confident there were senior enlisted and junior officers at Hood who previously asked tough questions about command climate and were quickly sidelined as disruptive, whiners, etc.

The American culture war isn’t just in public society; it’s within its institutions as well.
THIS is exactly why I despise the McCabe, Strozk & Page-types within the USG. There are senior executives making operational decisions BASED UPON THEIR WOKENESS.

Give me a day and I'll tell the story of how a GS-13 engineer decided what a combatant commander needs to do his job...


And got away with it because a GS-15 and O-6 backed the guy.

(But contractors are the DoD's major problem...)
There is no way that this is the only problem at Fort hood. I have no doubt that you also have unreported hazing incidents and who knows what else there. You can pin all of that on poor leadership at all levels.

I had a similar thought. I guarantee that if there was a similar look at any similarly- sized Army unit (or any service, for that matter) we’d see similar problems. Not just with sexual assault / harassment, but with any number of leadership related issues.
Not to be disrespectful to the many great soldiers at Ft Hood. But Ft Hood is literally the toilet bowl of the Army. Its literally a ghetto, the saying "you never been to the hood, until you have been to Fort Hood" is real. It's not so much that the troops and leadership is horrible, it the surroundings and exposures outside the post, that get brought back to the post. Drugs, prostitution, gangs, theft rings all run rampant in the surrounding areas. Killeen, Coppers Cove, Harkers Heights, Waco, etc, etc. A ton of shit just outside the post that can't be controlled, and bleeds back into the post.

My opinion, the Army needs to call out these communities and lock down the post completely until they clean their shit up. Chapter out every goddamn shit bag on post, and do a massive overhaul on they post deals with the local community and problems on the post.

Hell remember the stupid wrecked car by main gate, with the electric counter of days that Ft Hood hadn't lost a soldier. I don't think it ever went above 4 days the three years that I was there.

Generally I think this is an effect from the return of the "zero-defect Army". Basically instead of doing all your shit, you pencil whip the metrics because the lack of a TM in a HMMWV can lead to a letter of concern for a company commander.
It is genuinely mind numbing to me the amount of times per week I see in Military culture the same behaviors that exist in the business world.

Delivery results and only good news in literally impossible timelines, and if you don’t, you will pay; as will your boss.

Hence the too often, but job saving use of the pencil whip.
And got away with it because a GS-15 and O-6 backed the guy.
You do realize the above connotation within the USG has the same meaning as it would in Brokeback Mountain?

In all seriousness, we gotta start our own company...prob would need a bunch of lawyers and a really good PR firm though.