Attrition Rates

I'm familiar with this document it only mentions two of the four enlisted occupations specialties (AFSCs) cluster or grouped in the enlisted Air Force Special Warfare Career Field and only one of the three officer AFSCs in the Special Warfare Utilization Field.

As Officer qualification level progression from entry to intermediate, to qualified to staff differs significantly from enlisted skill level progression comparing officer to enlisted training attrition ratios is complicated and difficult.

Further as the attrition ratios are given for only one of the three officer AFSCs and two of the four enlisted AFSCs intimate knowledge of each AFSC's core technical and mission essential knowledge, skills, abilities and other characteristics (psychomotor, personality and behavior traits) is needed to access the ramifications and implications of these attrition rates.

Questions needing answer is do these training attritions included selected or not selected statistics, and is there a separation of self-elimination from training rates from medical and other failure to train causals.

From a historical perspective the USN Navy SEAL training attrition has the longest continuous existence connected to hell week and BUD/S since established during the Second World War. Pararescue since 1947 and Army Special Forces since 1952. All well before USSOCOM and AFSOC came into existence. The Ranger RASP I & II didn't exist until 1974, the others as far as formal assessment and selection programs contributing to generating training attrition statistics weren't even a wet dream until after USSOCOM came into existence primarily because training attrition wasn't tracked for most of the units and occupation specialties being captured in this document.
I summarized the continuous unbroken existence of the ranger battalion assessment and selection programs. All the assessment selection programs have evolved and become more sophisticated since they were first established. It's just a matter of how thoroughly the origins and evolution from the origins and continuous existence to now have been captured in archived documents.

The 75th Ranger Regiment history on certain matters as far as training, qualifications, assessment and selection and SQIs is quite interesting. Even the RASP II seems to be evolving since it was implemented.

For example, the Ranger SQIs are 'G' -Ranger, 'V'-Ranger Parachutist, and 'U' 75th Ranger Regiment Leader (est. July 2011). All assigned to the 75th Ranger Regiments regardless of MOS are SQI V and as of July 2011 there is also the SQI U 75th Ranger Regiment Leader that is exclusive to the 75th Ranger regiment and restricted to any MOS in the grade Sergeant thru Command Sergeant Major.

The five specific eligibility requisites for award of the 'U' SQI are: (1) possess SQI V as a perquisite, (2) complete the Ranger Assessment and Selection Program (RASP) I or II, (3) complete the Small Unit Ranger Tactics Course (SURT), (4) must complete a minimum of 12 months operational experience within the 75th Ranger Regiment, and (5) be recommended by the first Lieutenant Colonel (LTC) in the Soldiers chain of command.

Any how regardless of the program being discussed it's very fascinating history.
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