"Delta" Marine awarded Navy Cross for Bengazi actions


Sep 12, 2012
Well done Marine.

Edit to add - an update to the story shows that a Soldier was also awarded the Distinguished Service Cross during the same event. Well done, Army!

To add...learn something new everyday...I has always thought Delta was only Army.

Delta Force Marine awarded Navy Cross for fight at CIA annex in Benghazi

In a unique battlefield commendation, a Marine Corps member of Delta Force has been awarded the nation’s second-highest military honor for coming to the defense of Americans last year at a CIA annex in Benghazi, Libya.

Delta Force, a counterterrorism unit in the secretive Joint Special Operations Command, has been thought of as a strictly Army outfit. But it does take on qualified commandos from other services.

The Washington Times has reported that two Delta Force members were among a seven-person rescue team sent from the U.S. Embassy in Tripoli to Benghazi on the night of Sept. 11, 2012. Their mission: rescue diplomats, security personnel and CIA employees pinned down by terrorists about a mile from the U.S. diplomatic mission where Ambassador J. Christopher Stevens and aide Sean Smith were killed by al Qaeda-directed militants.
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While I am naturally both proud and curious, my favorite part of this story is the fact that not only is the man's name not given, neither is his rank or a transcript of his actions. I hope some secrets are able to remain just that.
So.....in the movie 13 Hours...when Doherty had asked for any JSOC personnel to assist and the two Delta guys showed up at the Tripoli airport....Doherty commented "well, that sucks". I always thought it was because only two Delta guys showed up.....now I know it was because one of them was a Marine :D

Well done Marine!
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