Delta Raid Into Syria Sends Important Message

Always good to see a positive outcome from a mission and good to see another "flavor" of SOF used. But I honestly would have rathered not hearing about it at all. wouldn't have hurt my feelings at all to simply hear that he had been eradicated from Earth and not know who did the eradicating.

With that said, "Outstanding job, Gentlemen!"
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Couldn't find an official news site that carries this piece. It's says the source was from the defense department.

During Friday’s raid that killed senior ISIS leader “Aby Sayyaf,” 1st SFOD-D (Delta Force) operators got so close to the the terrorist leader’s bodyguards that they were forced to use hand-to-hand combat techniques to subdue them, according to unnamed defense officials.


Yet, there seems to be much confusion remaining about the raid and as to who “Abu Sayyaf” really was. According to some main stream media reports that conflict with the official narrative, Abu Sayyaf, or sheikh Mohammad Al-Shalabi, was Jordanian, not Tunisian, and was supportive of al-Qaeda, but against ISIS’ interpretation of Islam.

Additionally, the Syrian government also took credit for a similar raid, in the same area, at the same time, and claimed to have killed 40 IS militants. Officially, the U.S. and Syria are not conducting joint operations, so the reason for this also remains a mystery at this time.

From an operations perspective:

The day after the bold raid conducted by US Special Operations forces, there was a lot of criticism about whether the objective of the raid, Abu Sayyaf and his captured wife, Umm Sayyaf, was worth the risk. With speculation swirling on primetime news channels due to lack of understanding and information, the media is missing the point.
Obviously there was a massive intel and logistical mission prior to the door kickers going in, to assure mission success. Them guys deserve some recognition as well .

After watching Sky News yesterday it is very evident the West had better get the finger out, considering isis are now only 50 odd miles from Baghdad and on the cusp of taking over another major city..

Why I hear you say?? Well, I believe isis, without any sort of intervention will get motivated to continue their expansion, into regional countries.. Lebanon is currently trying to prevent isis incursions from the North and believe it or not, Hezbollah are the reason they haven't consolidated in Lebanon.

If Hezbollah capitulate, and isis get a foot hold in Lebanon, it could cause a major destabilization in the region.
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After watching Sky News yesterday it is very evident the West had better get the finger out, considering isis are now only 50 odd miles from Baghdad and on the cusp of taking over another major city.

I'd bitch and yell that I should get back that year of my life I spent in downtown Ramadi, but all the Marines, Soldiers, and contractors that died trying to help the Iraqis there aren't getting shit back, so I'll keep my mouth shut.

It infuriates me that we shed so much blood, sweat, and tears in that shit hole of a city, only for it to be reconquered less than 5 years later. :mad:

What was the fucking point if we were only going to quit before we finished? :-/
I'd bitch and yell that I should get back that year of my life I spent in downtown Ramadi, but all the Marines, Soldiers, and contractors that died trying to help the Iraqis there aren't getting shit back, so I'll keep my mouth shut.

It infuriates me that we shed so much blood, sweat, and tears in that shit hole of a city, only for it to be reconquered less than 5 years later. :mad:

What was the fucking point if we were only going to quit before we finished? :-/

Preach it, brother. I've asked myself that same question so many times I've lost count.