First female infantry SgtMaj USMC 1/4


Verified Military
Nov 3, 2015
Durham, NC
I am on another, far less enjoyable and less personally gratifying general firearms forum, and this is a heated discussion in the 'veterans' sub-forum.

The bio reads as if it was written by a 5th grader....

SgtMaj F. Audu

I am disseminating information, not making a stand.
Hi! 👋

I’d like to navigate you to a hilltop of which I am willing to die.

During my 4 years in the United States Marine Corps I witnessed an almost comical percentage of the WM’s (Women Marines) I encountered aggressively use their body and sometimes simple flirtation to avoid Duty, garner themselves promotions, schools, and reenlistment opportunities that the Male Marines had no chance at getting anywhere near.

The Senior NCO’s (Staff Sgt and above) were equally comical in how easily influenced they were by a WM wearing her Cammies just a little tighter than normal and a cute little giggle.

Keeping up with buddies who stayed in until retirement, nothing has changed.

Don’t try to convince me that the Officers are/were not aware that this type of literal fuckery took/takes place on a regular basis. Until the Corps gets its house in order regarding this shit, I will always be suspect to announcements like this.
Well...She's obviously been on the fast track. Why a senior S/NCO WM with a comm/admin/psych background is assigned as an infantry battalion SgtMaj is a mystery to me.

I gotta ruminate on this. May have a few choice words later.
Hi! 👋

I’d like to navigate you to a hilltop of which I am willing to die on.

During my 4 years in the United States Marine Corps I witnessed an almost comical percentage of the WM’s (Women Marines) I encountered aggressively use their body and sometimes simply flirtation to avoid Duty, garner themselves promotions, schools, and reenlistment opportunities that the Male Marines had no change at getting anywhere near.

The Senior NCO’s (Staff Sgt and above) were equally comical in how easily influenced they were by a WM wearing her Cammies just a little tighter than normal and a cute little giggle.

Keeping up with buddies who stayed in until retirement, nothing has changed.

Don’t try to convince me that the Officers are/were not aware that this type of literal fuckery took/takes place on a regular basis. Until the Corps gets its house in order regarding this shit, I will always be suspect to announcements like this.

I hear you. And, no argument.

After re-reading her bio (for, like, the fourth time because the writing is so atrocious), here is where I am leaning: she's got some bonafides in her community (comms), then decided to pursue the equal opportunity advisor and DoD mediator, she has a masters degree in counseling and is working on a doctorate in social work.

Also, she was 1st sgt of a company in 1/1, and an I&I 1st sgt. Both of which, for many, are terminal billets before retirement.

She got picked up for E9, had just enough experience in combat units, for 'justification' for this position.

My tinfoil hat self thinks she is being groomed for the Corps' first female SMMC. She will have checked the boxes.

As for your experience, @Ooh-Rah , a lot of my time was with infantry units that didn't have women (at the time); it wasn't until I worked with wing, some, but mainly FSSG when I saw how the female Marines work the system. I was flabbergasted and dumbfounded at how easily they manipulated the system.

My opinion.
but mainly FSSG when I saw how the female Marines work the system. I was flabbergasted and dumbfounded at how easily they manipulated the system.
It really is something to witness isn’t it? Maybe it’s different in other services but … ?
Well...She's obviously been on the fast track. Why a senior S/NCO WM with a comm/admin/psych background is assigned as an infantry battalion SgtMaj is a mystery to me.

I gotta ruminate on this. May have a few choice words later.

Yea, that stands out a bit. At least in the Army the CSM usually olds a relevant MOS to that unit.

No hate on her though; seems like she was pretty high speed for the totality of her career so far.
1. What idiot wrote that bio?
2. Anyone who puts the CCNA certification in an official bio is a turd. A resume? Of course. An official bio? Clownshoes. Attended TCP/IP courses? Imagine a Corpsman putting Basic CPR or some such nonsense in their official bio. Kind of reminds me of the Chris Rock line about how you're supposed to keep your kids out of jail, that isn't a trophy-level moment. I could go on, but the comm section is atrocious.
3. If she wrote her own bio, which not unheard of, then she is a master level clown. All of those so-called degrees and that's what she wrote? Again, I don't know who wrote the bio, but it is absurd, and I'd like to think a doctoral candidate has a better grasp on our language than a foreign national posting on Reddit.
4. She might be a fantastic leader, but if that bio represents her abilities, then...damn.
5. Who doesn't put their first name in a bio? Weird.
1. What idiot wrote that bio?
2. Anyone who puts the CCNA certification in an official bio is a turd. A resume? Of course. An official bio? Clownshoes. Attended TCP/IP courses? Imagine a Corpsman putting Basic CPR or some such nonsense in their official bio. Kind of reminds me of the Chris Rock line about how you're supposed to keep your kids out of jail, that isn't a trophy-level moment. I could go on, but the comm section is atrocious.
3. If she wrote her own bio, which not unheard of, then she is a master level clown. All of those so-called degrees and that's what she wrote? Again, I don't know who wrote the bio, but it is absurd, and I'd like to think a doctoral candidate has a better grasp on our language than a foreign national posting on Reddit.
4. She might be a fantastic leader, but if that bio represents her abilities, then...damn.
5. Who doesn't put their first name in a bio? Weird.

Thanks for the insight regarding comms. What I know about comms is the same as what I know about women: nothing. I push the button, I talk my words.

That bio....if she didn't write it she needs to fire who did it, and the person who proofread it. It's horrible.
5. Who doesn't put their first name in a bio? Weird.
Her first name is Fatima and it is a topic of conversation on a different board I post on. Funny enough, it has less to do with the fact that she has an Arabic name, and more to do with the idea that if you search through the various published ‘leaders’ on USMC sites, all of them list a first name. Conspiracy speculation (my favorite kind) is that her first name was left out by design. Which is just stupid.
Her first name is Fatima and it is a topic of conversation on a different board I post on. Funny enough, it has less to do with the fact that she has an Arabic name, and more to do with the idea that if you search through the various published ‘leaders’ on USMC sites, all of them list a first name. Conspiracy speculation (my favorite kind) is that her first name was left out by design. Which is just stupid.

The Corps, like the other branches, is a veritable League of Nations, with all sorts of nationalities and ethnicities. We've all seen weirder names for sure. Leaving it out would just cause what it is causing: speculation and talk.
It is absolutely bat shit banana crazy to me that Marines do not have to have served in the infantry/SOF to be the senior enlisted advisor in said unit.
Couldn't agree with this more. I don't care about your gender; if you didn't grow up in that career field, you cant lead that career field. That's the world's least hot take that we somehow just ignore now, for whatever reason.
I was in 2/6 post Vietnam. Our Bn SgtMaj had two Purple Hearts and a CAR. The military now has to provide a process for gender transition for service members; so putting an electrician in an infantry leadership position is baby school.
When I was in the reserve, our FSSG 1st sgt, and later battalion sgt maj, he was a MP in most of his Marine Corps and civilian career, but our unit (and the battalion) was supply/FSSG. And not for nothing, he was a Grade A First Class prick. Acted like a cop, too, the kind of cop who pulls you over for some bullshit moving violating and turns that event into an opportunity to violate your rights by searching your car.

When we drilled he shared the office with the I&I 1st sgt, who also disliked him.
