Freeking giving recruits bedtime snacks!


Sep 12, 2012

That stupidity out of the way, (and by stupidity I am making a inner-service joke about the Army being pampered :rolleyes:)

Curious to what the "folks in the know" here think about this the need and usefulness for such nutrition as a bedtime snack.

Army develops new nutritional bed-time snack bar for basic trainees

edited: to clarify what I guess was a failed attempt at humor and not being specific enough in the question I was answering.
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why do you consider reducing injuries to be stupid?

I don't.

That is why I was making a joke out of the headline. My reference to "stupidity" was making an obvious (I thought) joke about Army recruits getting "candy" before bed.

In reality it is probably a good idea, especially if the test platoons had such a measurable response.
Dang...I learned a lot of lessons about starvation in boot camp...:sneaky:

Seriously, I can't count the number of times I went to bed starving. Besides the normal physical exertion throughout the training day, my metabolism was eating itself. I would have killed for something to fill the void before bed. Good for them.
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Just because something was hard "back in the day" doesn't mean it was smart. We can grumble about it being easier or whatnot, but think of all the good dudes you met who washed out because of a stupid injury or how your body will feel as you age. I wish we had all of this exercise, physiology, and nutritional information available to us pre-Internet. We can wear those injuries, especially to our backs and knees, like some badge of honor and while I'd do it all over again I do wish we had some of the tools available to "kids" these days.
Just because something was hard "back in the day" doesn't mean it was smart. We can grumble about it being easier or whatnot, but think of all the good dudes you met who washed out because of a stupid injury or how your body will feel as you age. I wish we had all of this exercise, physiology, and nutritional information available to us pre-Internet. We can wear those injuries, especially to our backs and knees, like some badge of honor and while I'd do it all over again I do wish we had some of the tools available to "kids" these days.

Amen to this ^^^^.
Back when I was at the Institute, during indoc/Hell Week, whatever you want to call it. We got rat snacks at night, Banana and a granola bar. Probably should do whole foods instead of a processed bar.
Navy boot isn't quite so...taxing. We ate well. No snacks, but we were never hungry, and I don't think we needed them. The Marines and Army, and in the more physical schools? Yeah, it makes sense.
During ROTC Advanced Camp we received sundries including pudding, granola bars, fruit, and Gatorade during field training. I thought it made a lot of sense.

My dad was still in the Army when distance running was done in boots. I'm glad we've moved past that, too.
In Bootcamp we got CLIF bars before we went to sleep.

We had to sneak Snickers bars in because we didn't get anything after evening chow. We continued to train and went to bed hungry. Occasionally, we would get caught with a candy bar and it was like " a jelly f......g donut, private Pyle" Get outside right now! That was a long time ago and we didn't care about nutrition like we do now. A healthy snack is always a good thing.
Fresh out of OSUT, I can say those bars were tremendous. We did not start getting those bars until Black Phase when things got more strenuous, and I was one of the ones with some serious shin splints.
I greatly attribute my quick recovery to those bars. Plus, it was a huge moral booster throughout the company. After the initial nine weeks without those bars, we got used to racking out hungry, but when we started getting those, quality of training noticeably improved.

Just my opinion based off my experience the last 4 months.
We did, too. Except we got what they now call a Performance Nutrition Pack first thing after lights in the morning. I can say, in comparison to getting nothing but chow hall food at boot camp, it did seem to help in giving some much needed energy when we went to PT.
Just revisiting this thread. Is this still being fielded? Or is it change 1 to change 2 as Performance Nutrition Pack (post 15) or some other name?

My interest has been peaked for sometime now, well since the original post by @Ooh-Rah. Grabbed this from his original link. Noticed I could not read the ingredients.


Below is a link to pdf which has more in-depth info.

Crudely the ingredients of the 65g bar, below.

Would never tell a person to not take this, but it could have been more nutritious ergo more protein and lower in sugar. Taken with Multivitamins tablets.

Performance Readiness Bar has possibly 5:1 carb/protein ratio and don't see this as a good thing to eat before bed.
I don't think PB and banana's store or ship as well as those bars. From what I remember, logistics rule almost every aspect of what Joe gets to wear and eat. It also looks like those bars are made really cheap...can't believe it took so long to get a supplement like this out to Joe, especially with increasingly heavier gear loadouts.