Imminent national security threat?


Verified Military
Nov 3, 2015
Durham, NC
This is weird.


A rep on house select select committee on intelligence wants Biden to declassify intel on "serious national security threat" regarding "foreign destabilizing military situation" so that all lawmakers in the US and allies can can know about it and plan.

House Speaker Mike Johnson says ‘no need for alarm’ after Intelligence chair warns Congress of ‘serious national security threat’

House Intel Chair Turner warns of 'serious national security threat,' urges Biden to declassify

Also on most other outlets, all basically saying the same thing.
There's no need for alarm about a serious national security threat?

No need for alarm...9/11 was a Class B airspace violation.
The border? The neighborhood Karen doesn't want your dog walking on her grass. Breaking Bad, but without union camera operators.

No need for alarm, folks.
There's no need for alarm about a serious national security threat?

No need for alarm...9/11 was a Class B airspace violation.
The border? The neighborhood Karen doesn't want your dog walking on her grass. Breaking Bad, but without union camera operators.

No need for alarm, folks.

When I read that I remember that one thing that says "If the government tells you not to panic, it's time to panic".
This is weird.


A rep on house select select committee on intelligence wants Biden to declassify intel on "serious national security threat" regarding "foreign destabilizing military situation" so that all lawmakers in the US and allies can can know about it and plan.

House Speaker Mike Johnson says ‘no need for alarm’ after Intelligence chair warns Congress of ‘serious national security threat’

House Intel Chair Turner warns of 'serious national security threat,' urges Biden to declassify

Also on most other outlets, all basically saying the same thing.
Maybe a bunch of uber-leftist former intel officials can sign a letter telling us that this announcement has "all the hallmarks of a Russian disinfo op" and we can all stop worrying about it. #TrustTheExperts #WhyWouldTheyLieToYou?
Dr Evil Laser GIF
Russia can't even tap Ukraine out. While I don't doubt theres something serious going on, I'm also not alarmed.

Also, Aliens.
Russia could fuck us up time now with hypersonics if they wanted to. Of course we would retaliate and likely defeat them but it would come at a significant cost. Wounded animals act unpredictably and are incredibly dangerous. Personally though I think Poland and the Baltic states are at greater risk. Hit a smaller NATO nation and see how many countries decline to respond to an Article 5 declaration.
Russia could fuck us up time now with hypersonics if they wanted to. Of course we would retaliate and likely defeat them but it would come at a significant cost. Wounded animals act unpredictably and are incredibly dangerous. Personally though I think Poland and the Baltic states are at greater risk. Hit a smaller NATO nation and see how many countries decline to respond to an Article 5 declaration.
Everyone's NATO until it's time to do NATO stuff.

Russia could fuck us up time now with hypersonics if they wanted to. Of course we would retaliate and likely defeat them but it would come at a significant cost. Wounded animals act unpredictably and are incredibly dangerous. Personally though I think Poland and the Baltic states are at greater risk. Hit a smaller NATO nation and see how many countries decline to respond to an Article 5 declaration.
How many times has Article 5 been invoked?
How many times has Article 5 been invoked?

Once. After 9/11.

ETA: Taken from the NATO website itself:

With the invocation of Article 5, Allies can provide any form of assistance they deem necessary to respond to a situation. This is an individual obligation on each Ally and each Ally is responsible for determining what it deems necessary in the particular circumstances.

So, yeah, invoking it doesn't mean everyone starts rolling tanks. France may decide it only needs to send baguettes, for instance.
Russia has some heavy nuclear torpedo they could send to SF bay or off DC or NYC that could take out millions, plus the ICBMs. That was from 10+ years ago.

If the Royal We don't have a way to get into all their major cities across all that open ground and missile defenses than people should get fired.

Cue the cold war backpack nuke guys.