Intro, PJ hopeful


Sep 12, 2017
Thank you to everyone on this forum for providing such great resource.

My name is Austin, I'm from VA, and I'm interested in Pararescue. I graduated from VCU and then worked as a wilderness school group leader for a few years before leaving to pursue healthcare. While taking pre-reqs to apply for a healthcare program I discovered Pararescue and have been fascinated ever since. I've only really begun training hard the past few months after my EMT class finished and my schedule opened up a bit. So far I've gotten results from the Stew Smith programs I'm following. I've always stayed in relatively decent shape can pass the PAST with my current scores, but I'm waiting until they are in a more competitive range to reach out to the recruiter again and hopefully begin the process.

I've watched every video, read every article, and listened to every podcast I've been able to find. I'm here to seek more specific insight and interact with others who have similar goals.

Again, thank you to everyone who helps provide this platform.
Welcome! Best of success to you here, and in your future military career!