Marine gets a Fast-1 pushed into his chest for a demonstration

I had to Google this when I saw it on Facebook.

Um, fuck no.

I used to love watching the biggest baddest dudes freak the fuck out during CLS IV sticks. Nothing g like watching a muscled up "can run through walls" type about in tears when it comes time to have a itty-bitty needle stuck in your arm. LOL

Yeah, fuck that Fast one bullshit, I think I would've dropped the man card on that one.
Never knew that, thanks. Still that just doesn't seem healthy lol

As was stated, the bone marrow, distal tibial, humeral head are all places we routinely place I.O.'s in the field. In fact, representatives from Vida Care, the place that produces E.Z. I.O. volunteer to take a humeral I.O. to show how easy it is. Then they go back to work. So, it's fine.

Edit to add: The bone marrow is considered a "non collapsible" I.V. and has been used since WW2 for a bit of history.....

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I saw them do an IO on Combat Rescue. I think they used a gun device that looked like a power drill and went in at the shoulder.
That's the EZ I-O. It's a lot easier to use than what we had years ago. We used to have to do it manually by twisting the needle into the bone. Fun times.

I hated the Jamshidi or Illinois needles. I remember years ago, I had to pop one into a sick kids tib, hypovolemic shock from dehydration, unconscious. I thought it was barbaric, can't imagine what that poor kids folks thought. Kid survived after being transferred to CHOP.

With all the sharp instruments that sadistic medical people have stabbed, jabbed, sliced and diced me with over the years, somehow I missed out on the pleasures of a six inch needle in my fucking bone marrow.
With all the sharp instruments that sadistic medical people have stabbed, jabbed, sliced and diced me with over the years, somehow I missed out on the pleasures of a six inch needle in my fucking bone marrow.

Supposedly the EZ IO doesn't hurt that badly. I have never taken one but given them and people tend to not complain. The flush on the other hand supposedly hurts like a bitch...