Marine helicopter squadron commander fired


Sep 12, 2012
So is it safe to assume that this is the same career killer in the Corps that it would be in the Navy?

But....even if she had "self reported" her arrest, would it still have gotten her fired?

Marine helicopter squadron commander fired

The commander of a North Carolina-based helicopter squadron was fired Wednesday for not properly reporting an off-duty incident that is being investigated by the Naval Criminal Investigative Service, according to II Marine Expeditionary Force.

Lt. Col. Jennifer Grieves was relieved of command of Marine Heavy Helicopter Squadron 464 by Maj. Gen. Matthew Glavy, commander of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing, a II MEF news release says.

“Glavy based his decision on issues stemming from an off-duty incident that was not properly reported,” the news release says. “The unreported incident was not related to squadron operations.”

Grieves was arrested at her home in the early morning of Dec. 16 and charged with simple assault, said Col. Donald Worrell, of the Onslow County Sheriff's Office. Worrell characterized the incident as a domestic assault but he did not elaborate further. Grieves was taken to the local jail and released after her court appearance later in the morning, he said.
That's a Shame. One fuck up is all it takes...
I am still the general opinion that she would have lost her command if she had self-reported, or was it more because she did not report and it turned into an integrity issue?
I am still the general opinion that she would have lost her command if she had self-reported, or was it more because she did not report and it turned into an integrity issue?
Salvageable if she reported (read her bio, wow).
I doubt she survives with her career intact now.
I'm guessing she was fucked as soon as NCIS got involved and someone above her had to say, "ummm...Colonel, any reason you didn't let me know NCIS might be stopping by and asking a few questions?"

With my teams:

Rule #1 - Don't do stupid shit
Rule #2 - If you do stupid shit, make sure I know about it before someone above me asks so I can cover your dumbass without having to say, "huh?"
That's a Shame. One fuck up is all it takes...

She probably beat her husband's ass for no having dinner ready when she got home.

She probably beat her girlfriend's ass for no having dinner ready when she got home.

It was not an uncommon occurrence for the MPs to be in the housing area arresting one of our uniformed ladies for assaulting her partner. Equality and all that :thumbsup:
I'm guessing she was fucked as soon as NCIS got involved and someone above her had to say, "ummm...Colonel, any reason you didn't let me know NCIS might be stopping by and asking a few questions?"

With my teams:

Rule #1 - Don't do stupid shit
Rule #2 - If you do stupid shit, make sure I know about it before someone above me asks so I can cover your dumbass without having to say, "huh?"

When I have been in leadership positions this is almost verbatim what I told my people. My mantra: "No surprises."
However it went down, she had plenty of time to let the USMC know about it. She had to know that this would come out eventually.

I don't know how much time she has in for retirement, probably enough with her prior enlisted time. I hope this is not an event that will put her retirement benefits at risk.
It's confirmed. She beat her wife and didn't tell her chain of command about being arrested.

I don't think we would be very sympathetic to a male officer who did the same. She was on track to be a General Officer. Not anymore.
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It's confirmed. She beat her wife and didn't tell her chain of command about being arrested.

In your opinion sir, was her career salvageable if she had self-reported the arrest?

I'm not looking to defend her actions, just trying to understand state of mind.

She's not the first Marine to get herself arrested, and especially for that specific infraction. But now her truthfulness and integrity will always be in question wherever she goes in the Corps. And after the Corps for that matter. #Google.

J.J. DID TIE BUCKLE - That's Marine Corps 101, and to this day I still remember the Integrity lesson from boot camp. Often I think these firings are over-reactions, but in her case I would be more concerned about her decision not to self-report than the arrest itself. As her boss I would think, you run a helo squadron, if you'll hide something that you know I will eventually find about about, what might you be hiding within your command?

A shame all around.
I think anyone that beats their spouse is a tool regardless of what they do for a living. If it isn't self-defense, you are a spousal abuser and deserve what you get for your actions.