Navy SEAL killed near Mosul

The Navy SEAL who was killed in a coordinated attack by 100 ISIS fighters in Iraq has been identified.

Charles Keating was advising Kurdish Peshmerga troops in the town of Telskof, 18 miles north of Mosul, when a group of Islamic State militants stormed enemy lines with vehicles, suicide car bombs and bulldozers on Tuesday

He was hit by 'direct fire' during an attack by the jihadis Pentagon officials have described as 'coordinated and complex'.

It is the third death of a U.S. service member in Iraq since the U.S.-led coalition launched its campaign against IS militants in the summer of 2014.

Keating was 31 and serving with Navy Special Warfare Group 1, ST-1.

Fair winds and following seas Warrior.

Valhalla has you now.


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"From Iraq:
Please tell everyone that Chuck saved a lot of lives today. The partner force fled and navy seals held the line. Chuck was leading the fight as always. He went unconscious with that big signature smile on his handsome face as always. Chuck was Full of Aloha, but was also a ferocious warrior who killed dozens of Da'esh today to save his brothers LLTB"
