Preparation for Navy EOD

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Nov 23, 2016
Hi! I'm from Sweden, and here we have a navy eod program called " Röjdykare " (translates to clearance divers). They are modeled after the american frogmen and use the american UDT as the basis of the training (leading to many similarities between the Swedish Navy EOD and the American Navy SEALs). However, as Navy EOD is also classified as SOF in America, I'd love to know if there are any special preparations that could be useful for training for Navy EOD.

Hi! I'm from Sweden, and here we have a navy eod program called " Röjdykare " (translates to clearance divers). They are modeled after the american frogmen and use the american UDT as the basis of the training (leading to many similarities between the Swedish Navy EOD and the American Navy SEALs). However, as Navy EOD is also classified as SOF in America, I'd love to know if there are any special preparations that could be useful for training for Navy EOD.

I read somewhere that you should brush up on simple electrical knowledge with like AC DC and also brush up on knot tying? I'm also trying to do Navy EOD. I'll look up the specific stuff I've seen.
AC DC? Like Thunder Struck and Hells Bells?

We got some gen Y'ers into the Battalion and one of them made the mistake of publicly being ignorant of AC/DC. One of the Lance Corporals went to the boss, requested the afternoon training period for cultural sensitivity training, locked the little cretins in a room and blasted Back in Black, Powerage and High Voltage at them until they were sufficiently educated.
I read somewhere that you should brush up on simple electrical knowledge with like AC DC and also brush up on knot tying? I'm also trying to do Navy EOD. I'll look up the specific stuff I've seen.

One of the great aspects to modding an internet forum is my ability to make selfless sacrifices for the greater good. Guys like me make the hard choices necessary for the internet to flourish and for us to reach "peak forum"; one of those choices is whether or not to lock a thread. Sure, we may want to see a nasty dogpile, a digital but visceral display of human interaction without geographical consequences, and we may want that so bad we can taste blood. They warm my soul more than a pint of Baskin-Robbins.

Enter guys like me and our sacrifices. We sacrifice entertainment for a bigger picture, a high power or calling. A dogpile, under most circumstances, is counterproductive and even poisonous despite the lolz they generate....and do they ever generate the lolz!!!!!!! We don't need to leech out the bad blood, we just need to treat the disease and that's where my mad, mad Admin skillz are on full display.

You're not in the Navy, you're not EOD, and the OP basically posted this thread and then left....he hasn't been around since Jan. 13. You're a wannabe so don't hand out advice to other wannabes. I'm locking this thread because there's no need for a rebuttal, nothing gained from your explanations or whatever, apologies....doesn't matter. You did something you shouldn't have, but let's move forward together.

We just won't do it in this thread.
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