

Dec 2, 2014
I'm trying to find out how to best prepare for rucking I have read all the threads about it and googled it. I just don't have the money to buy one before I leave. So my question is would packing a backpack with 45-55 pounds of weight do me any good. If not suggestions would be great. Thanks.
Initiative, adaptation and overcoming obstacles. Making due with the resources available. That is your answer.

Per your original post, you leave in 28 days, therefore it's going to be too little, too late as it takes months to properly learn to ruck without getting hurt (yes, blisters are getting hurt). Procrastination up to this point will most likely cost you your dream of joining the 75th, you do NOT get enough rucking in 11 series OSUT to properly prepare you for RASP, and you will not have time at BAC to ruck without injuring yourself.
Instead of reading threads and Googling, just start walking with a pack. Start light and slow. Work up.

You've got less than a month.
The best way to learn to walk with a ruck is to walk eith a ruck. There is no other way to simulate, there is no secret. Rucking is painful, you just have to learn to embrace it.
Like the others have said, practice, practice, practice! My advice at this late stage in the game for you, is to not let yourself get blisters (bad ones anyway). They can without proper care get infected and stop you both rucking and running, which at your point in time would be pretty unhelpful.
Powder your feet before every ruck, wear decent socks that aren't worn out.
Good luck, rucking is a mental game, horrendous until you get used to it, then it's just sucks. ;-)
Like the others have said, practice, practice, practice! My advice at this late stage in the game for you, is to not let yourself get blisters (bad ones anyway). They can without proper care get infected and stop you both rucking and running, which at your point in time would be pretty unhelpful.
Powder your feet before every ruck, wear decent socks that aren't worn out.
Good luck, rucking is a mental game, horrendous until you get used to it, then it's just sucks. ;-)
Lol well ile just have to think happy thoughts I guess lol and never quit. Also can I buy the powder at basic or should I get some before i ship
Lol well ile just have to think happy thoughts I guess lol and never quit. Also can I buy the powder at basic or should I get some before i ship
1. Your attention to detail sucks.
2.Your command of the English language sucks.
3. If you do not know where to get foot powder, you need to find a new occupational path.
4. Your ability to set goals apparently is non-existent, you've been DEP'd with an 11X opt. 40 for how long, and you're just getting around to thinking about rucking 28 days before you leave for OSUT?

I will not apologize for seeming "mean", you are enough of an adult to enlist in the military, but enough of a child to not prepare for that journey. You will be up for world wide assignment very soon, I do not believe you will make it through RASP.

eta- How the hell you made it to age 21 is beyond me, you are completely unprepared for any part of the real world.
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This member has been warned.
1. Your attention to detail sucks.
2.Your command of the English language sucks.
3. If you do not know where to get foot powder, you need to find a new occupational path.
4. Your ability to set goals apparently is non-existent, you've been DEP'd with an 11X opt. 40 for how long, and you're just getting around to thinking about rucking 28 days before you leave for OSUT?

I will not apologize for seeming "mean", you are enough of an adult to enlist in the military, but enough of a child to not prepare for that journey. You will be up for world wide assignment very soon, I do not believe you will make it through RASP.

eta- How the hell you made it to age 21 is beyond me, you are completely unprepared for any part of the real world.
First of all its your opinion your entitled to it. Secondly I'm not sure how you can say I haven't prepared I run with a weighted 45lb vest on and have a work out regimen I've been using for months. I was simply asking for opinions, which I appreciate because you all have experience where I do not. Lastly I'm perfectly capable of buying foot powder, I just asked if it was available for purchase at base.
Sean, I would suggest you take a step back and look at how you have come across to the members of this board in the brief time you have been here. You have posted your full name and approximate time frame you will be attending RASP (if you make it that far). You may have a reputation before you even get to RASP, as your future cadre may read what you have posted here.
I appreciate the heads up and I have been giving everyone my up most respect. I don't want to come off as ungrateful for all the other members advice.
I appreciate the heads up and I have been giving everyone my up most respect. I don't want to come off as ungrateful for all the other members advice.

This may be true. However, it's safe to say that if you interact with your Drill Sergeants as you have interacted with the Rangers and Special Forces Soldiers here, well....Good luck.
.... Lastly I'm perfectly capable of buying foot powder, I just asked if it was available for purchase at base.

And...that has to be the least intelligent portion of a post on this site in a long time... If you had bothered to check the packing list for BCT you would see what you are expected to bring. You will be able to purchase anything else you need and is allowed at the Shoppette under the supervision of your friendly Drill... and yes, an Infantry Post like the Benning School for Boys definitely stocks foot powder.

Oh.... guess what, my opinion is based on a modicum of experience in the field you have chosen... as OH NOES!!!! and Infantryman, then an SF Weapons Sergeant, and then as an SF Medic...

You should have checked here... and here. They give you the information you need to accomplish your 25 and 50m targets, and would have helped you keep from stepping all over your Johnson with sharpened track shoes.

Running with a 45lb weighted vest is irrelevant, unless you are planning on hurting yourself, it does not in any way mimic the way weight is carried on the body in a Rucksack, it's closer to body armor, but not quite.
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Ok guys my apologies again no disrespect was intended. Luckily I haven't hurt myself with the weight vest test. Thanks for the tip I will stop using it. Would packing a pack pack with weight better simulate a rucksack or this just a waste of energy
Seanw, stop typing and immediately posting on your phone/tablet mate, your not doing your case any good. For 95% of military guys spelling and grammar errors are like a red flag to a bull, the simple reason being we all got hammered for filling out forms incorrectly. You need to proof read things bud.

Anything you can do now to start toughening up your feet now is a good thing i.e. walks with a lightly weighted pack and boots. You're behind the 8'ball but don't stress about rucking, if you are fit you are going to be able to be able to handle it, it's going to hurt but mental toughness is the key to getting through it.

For a lot of the guys you are about to attempt things they have done already, you are joining a fraternity and they don't want you in that fraternity unless you can measure up. Taking the time to do a bit of research on things first and then asking if you come up with a blank will endear you to the people you wish to become like. Looking at the packing list for BCT and asking "I have checked the BCT packing list and foot powder is not on there, should I bring some neats gold powder with me" will likely get you a much more positive result. You will likely also get some curmudgeon telling you if the Army wanted you to have neats foot powder they would issue it to you, just chill and roll with it. You are going to meet people you don't like in your career, a lot of the time they are going to outrank you, humility is all that will keep you sane.
As I wrote in your warning, grow a thicker skin. Are you going to criticize your drill Sergeant every time he fucks with you? Take the criticism and learn from it.

Think before you speak. Your name is known, since you used it to register, and so is your ship date. There are a number of active duty instructors on this site, so don't be surprised if your actions/comments here catch up with you down the road.