Sage Northcutt Tap

Dana White needed a poster boy and pushed this guy like he was in the WWE running up to WrestleMania. Unlike the WWE you need a certain level of talent, something even the UFC PR machine can't generate.
Dana White needed a poster boy and pushed this guy like he was in the WWE running up to WrestleMania. Unlike the WWE you need a certain level of talent, something even the UFC PR machine can't generate.
He tapped in half guard on a choke that was applied from the wrong side of his body from a dude that's not exactly known for his ground game because he defended in the dumbest possible way.

I explained to my wife (who isn't an idiot by any means but also knows everything she knows about jiu jitsu from my ramblings after gym/work) what was happening in the finish, and she literally said, "I mean... if he just answered the phone and got his hips off the mat he'd be alright, right? Why did this guy tap if he's the second coming of Muhammed Ali/Bruce Lee??"
Dana White needed a poster boy and pushed this guy like he was in the WWE running up to WrestleMania. Unlike the WWE you need a certain level of talent, something even the UFC PR machine can't generate.

People are lazy today, unless they are true MMA fans they don't/won't follow UFC, or boxing for that matter. At least not with their pocketbooks. Dana wants Ronda's movie to be done with, and then he wants her back fighting, and winning. People know her, they know that name - they will pay to watch. Think back to when Lesnar was fighting, you could not turn on even network sports without seeing that beast being spoken about. Kimbo had a pretty significant internet following - I genuinely believe that if Brock Lesnar and Kimbo Slice were still fighting UFC, Dana would have more hype than he could ever hope for.

UFC is deperate to find their next Liddell, Couture, and Tito Ortiz - That is what will sell pay-per-view, Ronda better dominate her next match (and become more likable) or Dana's pocketbook is not going to like the answer.
He tapped in half guard on a choke that was applied from the wrong side of his body from a dude that's not exactly known for his ground game because he defended in the dumbest possible way.
Just watched the recap and....holy shit. Yeah. That's practically a white belt mistake. Goddamn.
It was a pretty quick tap alright.

The one thing I didn't like about Northcutt's loss was the amount of UFC fighters who rushed onto Twitter to absolutely butcher him. A pack of bitter cunts because a 19 year old kid is getting paid more than them.

As for Northcutt, this loss will probably do wonders for him. It stops the hype train and will give him a chance to actually develop as a fighter rather than being rushed into fights so Dana can make as much money as possible. Everybody loses at some stage, it's not the end of the world.
I think he is an incredible kick boxer, his wrestling is pretty good, but his BJJ IMHO is severely lacking. I have a bit of a hard time believing he is a purple belt. I think we will see great things from him in the future, besides he is a Texas boy!

His sister is hawt!!!
Ahhh fucking whatever, if she walked into a room, everyone of you dorks would be staring her down doing some kinda gorilla chest beating mating call ritual.

I didn't say she was prefect or the hottest chick out there, but she is hawt. I myself tend to gravitate towards the latin/Asian persuasion, but that chick is a good looking woman.
She looks fine.

Ahhh fucking whatever, if she walked into a room, everyone of you dorks would be staring her down doing some kinda gorilla chest beating mating call ritual.

I didn't say she was prefect or the hottest chick out there, but she is hawt. I myself tend to gravitate towards the latin/Asian persuasion, but that chick is a good looking woman.

She's got no way to feed prospective kids, she's got a harsher jawline than I do, that Nasal Plate Armor is fucking nuts, and without the long hair there's nothing discernable in normal day-to-day clothing that it's a she.

I would glare, make this same decision, and go back to focusing on my beer. If "she" came to talk to me, I would ask if she was pre or post op.