SEAL Team 6 member sentenced in nude-photo case


SOF Support
Sep 8, 2006
I'm starting to wonder if we should just have a thread with NSW crimes and controversies. Yeah, I know the other units and branches have their problems, but if all you read, see, or hear about is NSW...Perception is reality.

Navy SEAL Team 6 member sentenced in nude-photo case to 1 month in brig

A Navy SEAL Team 6 member was sentenced Friday to one month in the brig after a panel found him guilty of pretending to be another person as he encouraged a woman to send him nude photos.

As part of his sentencing, Petty Officer 1st Class Aaron Howard, 34, must also forfeit $500 of pay for three months and be reduced in rank to petty officer second class, The Virginian-Pilot reported, citing the Navy Region Mid-Atlantic.

Navy prosecutors said Howard used a fake phone number to send text messages in which he pretended to be a female dietitian hired by the Naval Special Warfare (NSW) Development Group.

Don't be mad. If he's Intel, I support this case. We can't afford to have people in the ranks with extremely poor tradecraft...

And how does one get charged for impersonating an individual that does not exist? Last I checked, as long as you aren't falsifying official government documents, or lying to authorities, you can be anyone you want.
Comm guy's know easier ways to get real titties or at least free and easy titties.

From an uneducated point of view*, I'd imagine Comms would be able to sweet talk their way to some pics or at the very least intercept. Then again Intel should know where Susan Soggycrotch would be at making the whole ordeal a done deal.

Either way from the United Airlines of SOF, to 'send nudes pls' I can't imagine SEALs being the media darlings they were? So what happens now? Does a different unit take their place?

*meaning delete if out of bounds
From an uneducated point of view*, I'd imagine Comms would be able to sweet talk their way to some pics or at the very least intercept. Then again Intel should know where Susan Soggycrotch would be at making the whole ordeal a done deal.

Either way from the United Airlines of SOF, to 'send nudes pls' I can't imagine SEALs being the media darlings they were? So what happens now? Does a different unit take their place?

*meaning delete if out of bounds

Nah, ST6 will continue to occupy its place in JSOC. Other units have their bad apples, but NSW in general has made a production out of the "look at me" aspects, so moments like this should be in the spotlight IMO. You want good press? Better take the bad too, you reap what you sow.

Personally, I think there are really great guys in NSW but they aren't speaking up. I get the "snitches get stitches" angle, but some really good men are paying the price for a few malcontents and shit leadership. Maybe it runs deeper than I think, I don't know, but they are in the spotlight and need to figure out a better way forward. The existing business model is untenable and the Trident's cachet is rapidly diminishing.

So do they have bad apples or a bad grove?
Nah, ST6 will continue to occupy its place in JSOC. Other units have their bad apples, but NSW in general has made a production out of the "look at me" aspects, so moments like this should be in the spotlight IMO. You want good press? Better take the bad too, you reap what you sow.

Personally, I think there are really great guys in NSW but they aren't speaking up. I get the "snitches get stitches" angle, but some really good men are paying the price for a few malcontents and shit leadership. Maybe it runs deeper than I think, I don't know, but they are in the spotlight and need to figure out a better way forward. The existing business model is untenable and the Trident's cachet is rapidly diminishing.

So do they have bad apples or a bad grove?

When I first came in to the position I'm at now I held the philosophy of burn the forest so a new one can grow. While that can work to a degree, you potentially lose a lot of good. I'd wager it's the majority of the grove at this point leadership included. That's just what happens in organizations when chaos is allowed to run free for so long.

At that point you need someone or a group of people to come in that are unwavering in upholding standards and expectations as well as enforcing them. Start feeling out who are the shitbirds, and the ones who want to do good but are in an environment where they can't.

Then you start cutting out the rot, either people start getting the message and shape up or they ship out. Then those who wanted to do good start seeing the change implemented and seeing that someone has their back and then they become your top performers.

I don't think I've came to an environment where every single person is a cunt, it's just against human nature. But those people that are trapped in a shit system but want to do good, have often turned out to be bonafide badasses for me once they realized I had their back.

You gotta treat it like a Bonsai tree.
Man, we have some weird mofos in our ranks and compete with Intel for the most maladjusted freaks in the military. Anytime some weird shit comes up, I assume Comm or Intel and maybe the best will happen.

Oh I know. I just expect our own weirdo's to live up to our standards of freakdom. This story wreaks of amateur hour.
Then again Intel should know where Susan Soggycrotch would be at making the whole ordeal a done deal.

I thought her name was Sally Rottencrotch?

I can't imagine SEALs being the media darlings they were?

They would have to burn down a couple of daycare centers and bayonet the survivors to get the general public to reverse an adoration built up by thirty years of hype.