The China Thread (Threat)

Flexing muscle and testing our reaction. In a few years they'll own the Spratleys by default and this will be just another incident in our Flaccid Foreign Policy Olympics.
Flexing muscle and testing our reaction. In a few years they'll own the Spratleys by default and this will be just another incident in our Flaccid Foreign Policy Olympics.

I wouldn't be surprised. Nor would it surprise me if they mounted/stepped up efforts to foment native Hawaiian secessionist movements with the goal of owning that island chain, too. Who cares if it's a state.
Question for you folks: If this kind of thing happened during Pres. Reagan's term, what would he have done?

Parked a CVBG off the coast and conducted "freedom of navigation" exercises. Possibly sent some B-52's to Clark. Maybe beefed up his rhetoric regarding the Spratleys and/ or sent the Marines to conduct joint training with their Philippine counterparts.

Ultimately China's so large what can we do? Given their grip on our economy, what can we do? They've placed themselves into the position to dictate policy to the US and every other nation. They have a long game, we're reactionary (that probably applies to the entire West).
I recently heard an interview with a journalist who was an expert on China, he was saying that China's economy is taking a shit at the moment.
The manufacturing/exporting base is drying up/no longer effective at pushing the economy forward so they are scrambling to find other ways to keep it going.
IIRC he said the growth of China's economy had dropped from 10% t0 7% which is still pretty good.
It will be interesting to see if/how the changing Chinese economy will affect it's foreign/expansionist policy.

I for one welcome our new Chinese overlords.
I'd like to see some proof that the timing was deliberate. I've not seen any articles that show that (it would be hard to prove either way but an assumption made from dates and times would go a long way). Going that close to the US is definitely a deliberate political move but to what extent it is intended to coincide with the Presidential tour I think it's hard to tell, especially when you consider the distance between the Aluttions and the President.

On a tangent, I always thought your site was satire, Mara, didn't realise it had serious stuff on it. I think I'll sign up to the emails.
Havok Journal is for serious news. Hit the Woodline is the satire one.

When it comes to timing, they regularly host major shows of military power when our leaders are in their country, it seems to follow this pattern with their naval mission off the coast of Alaska to time with the President's visit.
The people are the sea in which the guerrilla fighter swims, to paraphrase Mao...the Maritime Militia is like the seaborne version of the concept, at least in terms of masking the combatants to appear innocuous.
Silicon Valley-trained Chinese cyber-pirates pulled off the Los Alamos theft in 04. And what's the definition of a Chinese diplomat: Intelligence Agent. What is their ultimate goal? I believe it is to displace the US and its allies and the Russians and to become the undisputed most powerful nation, militarily and economically, on the planet.
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There have been more than a few articles lately (last 6 months) predicting the demise of their economy, with all of the predictable downstream results (inability to invest in the military infrastructure, especially their expansion into the SCS, etc.). With the way they are spending money like drunken sailors (and I have been one so I would know...), the $$ is going to run out sooner or later, and there would be the typical contraction of military spending and deployments. We'll see.
There have been more than a few articles lately (last 6 months) predicting the demise of their economy, with all of the predictable downstream results (inability to invest in the military infrastructure, especially their expansion into the SCS, etc.). With the way they are spending money like drunken sailors (and I have been one so I would know...), the $$ is going to run out sooner or later, and there would be the typical contraction of military spending and deployments. We'll see.

Unrestricted Warfare - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

China has been manipulating their currency while purchasing monolithic amounts of gold. Several oil rich countries have wanted to shift to a gold backed currency, to later find themselves on the receiving end of an American involved liberation/revolution. Iraq, Libya, Syria to name a few. China has also mentioned a desire to transition to a gold backed currency ad the international reserve.

I'm not going to dive into the tin hatter stuff that's all over the interwebs, but there is plenty to read about, from false markets, to petro dollar, to the just so happens resource rich countries we have had the longest wars known to our history.

That all said, I expect the US economy to collapse completely, followed by the USD being abandoned as the international reserve currency, followed by China releasing a gold back currency to take place as the reserve currency. The US will go through about the same as the USSR did in the early 90's, reemerging 5-10 years later as still a global power, but significantly diminished in global influence.


We are going to have World War Three and do like the Romans did, and use our significant military capabilities, along with our allies, to beat down whoever attempts to jack with the fiat currency system we have. This would look something like North and South Korea go at it as proxi of China and the US, Japan and China bang it out, with our support for Japan, India and China also start banging it out. Russia and the NATO countries bang it out in Europe, obviously with US involvements. We beat down China, fuck Russia up, start a new international trade and commerce arrangement with a new currency that favor's the US and Europe and carry on for another 70 years.

But than again, I may just be crazy...}:-)
I don't see China imploding unless they lose the manufacturing monopoly. Hints my comments about India. This is also why I believe China wants to assert controls over south China sea and why I believe China would use North Korea in proxy against South Korea. Currently Vietnam and the Philippines don't have the military capabilities to rebuff China. I think Japan will be there (if they are not already) soon.

China's big problem is resources and more specifically energy. So the leverage point would be controlling China's ability to import oil, but China has been working on that over the last decade. But that all ties into the petro dollar, OPEC and more specifically south America and Africa.

China is not acting like a nation on the verge of imploding, they're acting like a nation strategically setting themselves up to assert controls to insure their economic growth and viability across the globe.

This is all speculation and theory on my part, I read a lot on the goings on with China and the Asian-Pacific region. But its all open source and everything is manipulated on all sides, so it wouldn't surprise me that I am dead wrong.

What I do know is China will not engage us militarily directly. They don't have the capabilities on the sea or the air. This is why they are building those islands and why they are more likely to engage in small conflicts with Vietnam, the Philippines, and Japan. China knows we absolutely will come to the defense of S/Korea so again, that would be proxy, Japan, we would probably sell the weapons, but not engage directly with China.

China can also disrupt the US from Central and S. America where it's been active for many years, and I believe giving clandestine support to the triads which are heavily involved in human/drug trafficking through Mexico. Look, anything to fuck with America, it's all cumulative. And their cyberwar abilities are as good as it gets. I don't know if we'll ever get in a shooting war with China but I do believe they could--if not aggressively checked on all fronts, and if met with weakness and appeasement on the part of our leaders--reduce the United States to a second or even third-rate power. And that may indeed be their objective.