SOF Support
Sep 8, 2006
Legitimate concern or overblown hype?

Responsibility Deflected, the CLOUD Act Passes

As we wrote before, the CLOUD Act is a far-reaching, privacy-upending piece of legislation that will:

  • Enable foreign police to collect and wiretap people's communications from U.S. companies, without obtaining a U.S. warrant.
  • Allow foreign nations to demand personal data stored in the United States, without prior review by a judge.
  • Allow the U.S. president to enter "executive agreements" that empower police in foreign nations that have weaker privacy laws than the United States to seize data in the United States while ignoring U.S. privacy laws.
  • Allow foreign police to collect someone's data without notifying them about it.
  • Empower U.S. police to grab any data, regardless if it's a U.S. person's or not, no matter where it is stored.

Our personal liberty has been dying a much quicker and quieter death than many people realize or care to know. Personally I believe it's a legitimate concern, the last bullet point is especially troubling.
I've wondered about this and I believe I've mentioned it else where on the forums but we always cry out when we think someone is going for our guns, but when it comes to (in my opinion) what makes us a free people, no one bats an eye, there is no rallying cry or public discourse. Just silence. The fact that this was just tacked on, on a massive spending bill few people probably read in its entirety, goes to show the end goal of our own personal liberty.

Just another nail in a shit show gone sideways.
(Disclaimer) I am just waking up over here....but it seems to me that if our own authorities in our country would have to obtain warrants, review by judge etc. why in the hell is our government empowering foreign entities to be able to obtain such information without same?
It's like the derp from DC know no bounds, there has to be a way to strip provisions from the Omnibus bill. Congress and the rest of those pukes need to be rounded up and confined to DC without pay or benefits until this shit get fixed. Anyone who had a hand in crafting the 'omnibus' or adding these poison pills need to have their finances reviewed and/or frozen.

Pretty sure the American people are getting tired of being sold out by the halfwits in DC. It's bad enough the NSA knows my kinks and love of redheads, but why the hell can't foreign governments go through official channels instead of having the keys to the kingdom. Fucking eh...
Activating default leftist reply now:

but if we aren't doing anything wrong, why are we worried about privacy...

illogical liberal minded response mode deactivated
I can't offer an opinion, but here's another take on it from LAWFARE:

The CLOUD Act: A Welcome Legislative Fix for Cross-Border Data Problems

Good assessment. It will be interesting to see what the privacy and human rights advocates do as a result of this. Our world is advancing so quickly while the law is continuing to move at the pace of a glacier. It would also be interesting to determine if this streamlined process somehow made hacking slightly easier. Solid article Ocoka.