Training question


Mar 24, 2015
Hey guys, I just wanted some of your opinions on physique pre enlisting. I'm currently 5'9 around 138-140lb. I can bench 150, squat 185, deadlift 315 and clean 120. So evem though I'm on the smaller side I would consider myself to be strong. I'm currently following rescue athletes daily programs but not making much gains in form of size but my swimming and running are getting much stronger. Should I pause with rescue athlete and try to add some more size? Thanks!
Thanks for the input guys. I know the goal isn't to get swole or huge, that wasn't why I was asking. I've never had the opportunity to practice carrying someone in firemans carry or use the collar drag. Any advice on ways to replicate those in the gym? My university has a "ropes course", Ill try to see if there is an obstacle potion of that course. For ruck marchs how much weight do you recommend?
35lbs starting out plus water, then move up to 45lbs and 55lbs. Start with 2 miles, move to 5, and then 8-10 miles.
Doing a wheelbarrow pull can replicate the buddy drag.
Load up a wheelbarrow real heavy and just start running backwards.
get 2 old military duffle bags, fill one about 3/4 with dirt, close it up. Slide the other duffle bag over it, close it up. It'll keep it from leaking, but I'd still keep it in enclosed exterior cover. You might want to weigh it and adjust so it weighs 200.
Don't run with a ruck. Speed walk, never run. That's a good way to injure yourself.
Search the Military/Mountain Athlete site, Rob has a plan for us little guys to put on weight and gain functional strength as noted above.