War Books: Professional Writing and the Modern War Institute


Intel Enabler
Verified SOF
Sep 9, 2006
A lot of people are the side read a lot of books. But how many of us write about them?

The Modern War Institute is looking for additional submissions for their series on War Books. The description and examples of past War Books articles are below, and here is a link to the submission guidelines: https://mwi.westpoint.edu/submission-guidelines/

Some examples of topics: books that explore the combat experience; books that explain the Israel/Iran conflict, books that help understand civ-mil relations... the list goes on and on. This is a fun way to share your insights on any number of topics, and to get a byline in a publication that helps move the needle on understanding the phenomenon of modern war.
War Books.

5 books. 5 summaries.

The premise is simple and straightforward. We invite a participant to recommend five books related to modern war, and tell us what sets each one apart. War Books is a resource for MWI readers who want to learn more about important subjects related to modern war and are looking for books to add to their reading lists and sights to add to their understanding of the theory and practice of modern war.



A lot of people are the side read a lot of books. But how many of us write about them?

The Modern War Institute is looking for additional submissions for their series on War Books. The description and examples of past War Books articles are below, and here is a link to the submission guidelines: https://mwi.westpoint.edu/submission-guidelines/

Some examples of topics: books that explore the combat experience; books that explain the Israel/Iran conflict, books that help understand civ-mil relations... the list goes on and on. This is a fun way to share your insights on any number of topics, and to get a byline in a publication that helps move the needle on understanding the phenomenon of modern war.
War Books.

5 books. 5 summaries.

The premise is simple and straightforward. We invite a participant to recommend five books related to modern war, and tell us what sets each one apart. War Books is a resource for MWI readers who want to learn more about important subjects related to modern war and are looking for books to add to their reading lists and sights to add to their understanding of the theory and practice of modern war.



Is there a genre / topic gap they are looking to fill? I think a series on fiction, World War One, or books written by enlisted might be helpful.
Is there a genre / topic gap they are looking to fill? I think a series on fiction, World War One, or books written by enlisted might be helpful.
I think any of those would be good. Books by current/former enlisted might be particularly interesting.