Important What to Report and When


Verified SOF
Dec 29, 2008
The City of Destiny
SOF Mentor
Recent events have highlighted a need for the clarification of what is/isn't necessary to report here on the site. Everyone take a second or two, review this simple procedure, and apply it to every day life here on the board.

What to Report-
Racist, sexist, or otherwise derogatory or inappropriate behavior/language.
Intentionally inflammatory personal attacks.
Breaches in OPSEC/PERSEC only after being intimately aware of what those terms mean.
Any post that would put the open operation of the board at risk- such as open allegations of illegal acts, pictures or stories detailing illegal acts, advertising, or the open sharing of copyrighted or protected material.
Any post which is in direct violation of the User Agreement.

What NOT to Report-
Noticing a poster hasn't properly introduced himself.
Stupid comments (that don't fall into the categories above).
Any post that a Mod or Admin has already engaged on.
Any post that another user has engaged on- e.g., "User x, you need to post an intro." says User Y- no report needed unless User X refuses to comply.

Bottom line- think of it as 'tattling'. If all the issue takes is the fellow members of the board saying, "Hey, fix yourself", then so be it. Lowest possible level and all.

If that doesn't work, feel free to escalate to the Mods/Admins. Just remember- it's the job of the staff to police the boards, and we read a great deal of threads daily. If something is going on, it's very likely that we are already aware of the issue and working it. If you see a problem that isn't being corrected and you can't correct it yourself, please, engage us appropriately.