Dui air force waiver spec ops


Oct 15, 2017
I was wondering if anyone has sucess with obtaining a waiver for a dui in the air force. I am aspiring to go in as a PJ. I am currently on a pretrial diversion right now and after completed will not be convicted and the charge be dismissed although I am pretty sure the militry can still see it. It was a stupid mistake and i am paying the price. I know its rare to get a waiver in the past in the air force but i am hoping with pararescue being a high demand job and specs ops will work in my favor over someone just going in for a more popular job. I also took the asvab a couple years ago and got a 78. Has anyone ever been successful with the waiver process and how long did it take? Thanks
Have you talked to a recruiter? This kind of thing changes frequently, so others past experiences may not be applicable.
I can't answer the question, but if it doesn't work out for you, the Army is giving out lots of waivers right now.
I was wondering if anyone has sucess with obtaining a waiver for a dui in the air force. I am aspiring to go in as a PJ. I am currently on a pretrial diversion right now and after completed will not be convicted and the charge be dismissed although I am pretty sure the militry can still see it. It was a stupid mistake and i am paying the price. I know its rare to get a waiver in the past in the air force but i am hoping with pararescue being a high demand job and specs ops will work in my favor over someone just going in for a more popular job. I also took the asvab a couple years ago and got a 78. Has anyone ever been successful with the waiver process and how long did it take? Thanks
Talk to a recruiter, and TBH, our career field is extremely selective and not very forgiving of anyone getting a DUI (to include active duty guys) and still being allowed to serve.

It's a real indicator of impulse control issues.
Seven years ago I was arrested for a DUI and was subsequently charged with "negligent operation" (DUI was dropped/plead down). I am currently in the CCT pipeline, so yes it's possible.

I got my waiver approved, but the waiver had to be for the DUI charge, not the neg op charge, since all the Air Force cares about is the initial charge you were hit with. The most time consuming part of having my waiver approved came from having to dig up tons of old paperwork in my home state.

The fact that my charge was 7 years old, and I had no offenses thereafter played a large role in them deeming me eligible to enter the Air Force, so if your charge is fresh that could work against you. They want proof through action that you learned from your mistakes, and that can take time.
I appreciate yall's input. The recruiter told me it is possible and to come back once everything is taken care of. I will just be persistent and hope for the best. I am required to attend counseling, alcohol monitoring system(basically I cant consume any alcohol), community service, and fines until Oct 2018. Although, my lawyer said he can get me off in a few months if I complete everything. Once completed the charges will be dismissed and I then have to expunge the arrest record. Hopefully, this will make me look better as a more honorable way of dealing with the matter in the eyes of the Air Force. I'm just going to stay positive and continue training my ass off. I will keep an update. Thanks again!
I am not certain that expungement will totally erase everything. If a question comes up asking "if you were ever charged" I believe that is the going to have to be yes.

Absolutely right. I can't stress enough that you MUST be truthful about it

In some cases, the USAF is not as interested in how a case was resolved, but they look at what the charge was.

That, and whether or not you tell them the truth. They WILL find out, trust me.

Did I mention, tell them the truth, no matter what your recruiter tells you?
Yeah my lawyer told me that the records are kept in the FBI database and that is what military uses for background checks. I'll be sure to be completely honest. I would hate to make it in to only be discharged or even worse and getting thrown in jail. However, an expungement wouldn't hurt. I'll just have to ask the recruiter.

I also read that the USAF is also being more lenient on people charged with marijuana possessions and tattoos; something they have never done in the past. So maybe that means they are trying to build back up their numbers.
I also read that the USAF is also being more lenient on people charged with marijuana possessions and tattoos; something they have never done in the past. So maybe that means they are trying to build back up their numbers.

damn hippies.