Retired Green Beret Contractor killed in alleged fratricide


SOF Support
Dec 19, 2017
Excerpted from The Daily Beast
...Rodriguez’s death, which multiple sources said was the result of a sudden fracas involving U.S. Marines...atmosphere of bravado and trash-talking, involving multiple people, spilled over into a brawl that left the contractor pummelled and then stomped into unconsciousness. The military source said the incident had “lots of witnesses.”....Two enlisted Marines, said to be gunnery sergeants, are considered persons of interest in Rodriguez’s death, the military source said.

This is an awful way for our community to start the new year. I hope all involved are prosecuted.

Godspeed Rodriguez.
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WTF!!! Been in my share of interservice bar fights, who hasn't. But, I never thought I would see the day. That I would read about something like this:mad:. It's fucking disgusting and, all responsible should have their bowels loosed to the floor!
WTF!!! Been in my share of interservice bar fights, who hasn't. But, I never thought I would see the day. That I would read about something like this:mad:. It's fucking disgusting and, all responsible should have their bowels loosed to the floor!

Idk about that, it's wasn't all that uncommon in Iraq. Maybe not so much interservice stuff, but a lot of blue on blue. Just didn't make the headlines as much as it does now. I guess when you don't have stories of detainees being abused or non-combatants being killed, the news will go after any story of "shock and outrage".

We had a NCO shoot another NCO for fucking his wife, Who was in return shot by another soldier who saw it go down. 03-04'ish

Dude on dude sexual assaults (prison style) in Al Assad airbase was a thing in 2008'ish.

Back in the 90's a bunch 101'st troops beat a gay kid to death in his barracks for, well, being gay.

Anyway, damn shame, I'd like to read the full on event and know what went down. Get the full report, because as it reads right now, sounds like a brawl that got out of hand. Elbow or knee to the head can kill someone, choke held too long, etc. It's doesn't necessarily mean a couple of Marine Gunny's straight murdered a dude over "my funny hat is better than your funny hat". I tend to think two Marine E7's and a retired SF soldier are bit more professional than that.
Maybe not so much interservice stuff, but a lot of blue on blue. Just didn't make the headlines as much as it does now.
A husband of one of my wife’s best friends was jumped in Iraq by service members. They beat him so bad he has severe PTS from the event and cannot leave the house without his service dog.

He was an Army major at the time.

Anyway, damn shame, I'd like to read the full on event and know what went down. Get the full report, because as it reads right now, sounds like a brawl that got out of hand.
Strong agree.
It's pathetic that Warriors have to act like kids and let themselves go to the level of killing one another....

It's a crying shame and at the end of the day...there were no winners in their childish games.
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Idk about that, it's wasn't all that uncommon in Iraq. Maybe not so much interservice stuff, but a lot of blue on blue. Just didn't make the headlines as much as it does now. I guess when you don't have stories of detainees being abused or non-combatants being killed, the news will go after any story of "shock and outrage".

We had a NCO shoot another NCO for fucking his wife, Who was in return shot by another soldier who saw it go down. 03-04'ish

Dude on dude sexual assaults (prison style) in Al Assad airbase was a thing in 2008'ish.

Back in the 90's a bunch 101'st troops beat a gay kid to death in his barracks for, well, being gay.

Anyway, damn shame, I'd like to read the full on event and know what went down. Get the full report, because as it reads right now, sounds like a brawl that got out of hand. Elbow or knee to the head can kill someone, choke held too long, etc. It's doesn't necessarily mean a couple of Marine Gunny's straight murdered a dude over "my funny hat is better than your funny hat". I tend to think two Marine E7's and a retired SF soldier are bit more professional than that.
Yes, I too would like to get the straight and complete story/facts. I guess we'll see, or not. I went into the Army in '79 and served through the 80's. I obviously don't know what bolt of material. They cut fuckers from anymore. Yes, we were homophobic, misogynistic, alcoholic, knuckle dragging beasts who probably belonged in a cage off duty. We had some bad actors. Who were weeded out quickly. But nothing like this. It's a damn shame either way.
Back in the 90's a bunch 101'st troops beat a gay kid to death in his barracks for, well, being gay.

Anyway, damn shame, I'd like to read the full on event and know what went down. Get the full report, because as it reads right now, sounds like a brawl that got out of hand. Elbow or knee to the head can kill someone, choke held too long, etc. It's doesn't necessarily mean a couple of Marine Gunny's straight murdered a dude over "my funny hat is better than your funny hat". I tend to think two Marine E7's and a retired SF soldier are bit more professional than that.

That 101st dude was Barry Winchell, with 2/502. I remember learning about him (and the Al-Jabani rape/murders) about a month after I inprocessed Strike.

I'm waiting for more; right now, it seems like a brawl happened and nobody stopped it while they were stomping on the dude. Bystander effect to the fullest if that's the case.
That 101st dude was Barry Winchell, with 2/502. I remember learning about him (and the Al-Jabani rape/murders) about a month after I inprocessed Strike.

I'm waiting for more; right now, it seems like a brawl happened and nobody stopped it while they were stomping on the dude. Bystander effect to the fullest if that's the case.
Maybe the bystanders were afraid of the roid raging trio ( and roid rage is used as a metaphor).
WTF is going on in MARSOC these days? The two in Mali and now these Marines? Damn...