Navy SEAL who killed Osama Bin Laden to reveal identity on Fox News

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Sep 12, 2012
I don't know how much you guys will (can) discuss this, but was it ever officially established that the man featured in the Esquire article was actually the trigger puller? My recollection is that there was quite a bit of back/forth that questioned whether the person Esquire featured was even a SEAL, much less involved in the raid.
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Cynically I thought "Well, the Rangers and Marines both have a book in the news...."

Maybe it is because I'm not a shooter, but that is one detail of my career I'd never admit. "Was I on the raid? Indeed. Did I shoot UBL? Nope." Not because of terrorism or that threat, but just being "that guy." That's death bed confessional level information in my mind. Beyond publicity, books and movie deals, what do you gain?
Cynically I thought "Well, the Rangers and Marines both have a book in the news...."

Maybe it is because I'm not a shooter, but that is one detail of my career I'd never admit. "Was I on the raid? Indeed. Did I shoot UBL? Nope." Not because of terrorism or that threat, but just being "that guy." That's death bed confessional level information in my mind. Beyond publicity, books and movie deals, what do you gain?

Patriotic panties dropping.
Cynically I thought "Well, the Rangers and Marines both have a book in the news...."

Maybe it is because I'm not a shooter, but that is one detail of my career I'd never admit. "Was I on the raid? Indeed. Did I shoot UBL? Nope." Not because of terrorism or that threat, but just being "that guy." That's death bed confessional level information in my mind. Beyond publicity, books and movie deals, what do you gain?
Patriotic panties dropping.

And a fucking target on your family's forehead.
I don't get what is so special about the one guy that pulled the trigger. Sure it's cool as fuck, but why is he more "special/important/pick your word" than the guy behind him on the team, or the team leader, or the guy pulling security at the door, or the chopper pilot/crew chief, or the poor Pakistani bastard that is rotting in jail for giving us the intel that got us there in the first place etc...
He's just a cog in the wheel.
I hope he comes out and uses this for a good reason (highlight an important issue etc...), if he just comes out to say look at ME, then fuck that guy.
When I get home tonight, I am raising my glass in honor of the true quiet professionals who put their lives on the forefront of danger every night and we never hear a peep from. Not that there is anything wrong with being proud of what you have done, but there are thousands of SF and SOF (and conventional forces) forces, both past and present, who live life humbly knowing that they made a difference in the world. They don't need make themselves out to be any better than the person next to them.

"Never above you, never below you, always besides you." How fucking true.

To those who fit that description above, thank you, and here's to you coming home safely.
Follow up question -will you watch it?

I am inclined to say no. Likely I will read the synopsis the following morning and if there is more than "look at me", perhaps I will go back and take a watch. The Esquire article portrayed him with being very bitter with the government and I have to wonder if that is the motivation with deciding to do this TV interview - potentially another American public perception bubble burst, most Americans believe guys come out of these units "set" - that is certainly not the way it reads in the Esquire story:

"I left SEALs on Friday," he said the next time I saw him. It was a little more than thirty-six months before the official retirement requirement of twenty years of service. "My health care for me and my family stopped at midnight Friday night. I asked if there was some transition from my Tricare to Blue Cross Blue Shield. They said no. You're out of the service, your coverage is over. Thanks for your sixteen years. Go fuck yourself."
Follow up question -will you watch it?

I am inclined to say no. Likely I will read the synopsis the following morning and if there is more than "look at me", perhaps I will go back and take a watch. The Esquire article portrayed him with being very bitter with the government and I have to wonder if that is the motivation with deciding to do this TV interview - potentially another American public perception bubble burst, most Americans believe guys come out of these units "set" - that is certainly not the way it reads in the Esquire story:

"I left SEALs on Friday," he said the next time I saw him. It was a little more than thirty-six months before the official retirement requirement of twenty years of service. "My health care for me and my family stopped at midnight Friday night. I asked if there was some transition from my Tricare to Blue Cross Blue Shield. They said no. You're out of the service, your coverage is over. Thanks for your sixteen years. Go fuck yourself."

The Esquire article was revealed as fake awhile back.
Follow up question -will you watch it?

Maybe, I'm not excited or particularly interested in it, but as he wont profit from me seeing it meh, maybe.

I still haven't read No Easy Day, and have no intention of doing so, because fuck that guy.
@pardus , I have not read it either, and won't.

@CDG , regarding the Esquire article. I was aware that there was quite a bit of controversy about the piece, but did not know it was shown to be a complete fake. Nearly every story I've seen about the upcoming FOX interview references him as "The Shooter", featured in Esquire magazine.
@CDG , regarding the Esquire article. I was aware that there was quite a bit of controversy about the piece, but did not know it was shown to be a complete fake. Nearly every story I've seen about the upcoming FOX interview references him as "The Shooter", featured in Esquire magazine.

SOFREP did a piece on it confirming that the supposed shooter was a fake. He is a SEAL and was on the raid, but he didn't shoot him and he's embellished his role quite a bit. He was also reportedly removed from the unit after discussing the operation.
SOFREP did a piece on it confirming that the supposed shooter was a fake. He is a SEAL and was on the raid, but he didn't shoot him and he's embellished his role quite a bit. He was also reportedly removed from the unit after discussing the operation.

Crap, now that you say that I think I recall them talking about that on their podcast. Interesting to me though, on how many media outlets are just going with the 'fact' that this is the guy featured in the Esquire article.
Of course they are. Since when do facts take precedence over ratings in the MSM?
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