American Sniper Movie

It's a sad state of the world when the opinions of people who make a living pretending to be other people "matter".

In ancient Rome actors and other entertainers sat slightly above prostitutes on the social hierarcy. I think that is one the greatest lessons we should have adopted from the Romans.
Eastwood presented Chief Kyle as he was, I don't know if Spielberg would have done that. Spielberg would have done a better job exploring the relationships in the film. I think there would have been better chemistry between Cooper and Miller, and even more so between the guys in the Platoon. I just think of "Saving Private Ryan" and how close you felt with everyone, not just Captain Miller.

After watching the movie I think Spielberg might have done a better job with the movie. My problem with the movie was frankly a lack of attention to detail with some of the military aspects in the movie. It seemed they skimped on military advisement side of things. Some of the acting and the lines were border line cheesy at times. I thought Cooper did a fine job playing Kyle but some of the actors they casted in the other military roles were flat out bad. I think Spielberg does his research and brings in good advisors and makes a point to accurately depict military uniforms and tactics as best he can, he understands that service members and vets will be watching and they will notice those details. Spielberg turned down the movie because he couldn't get the budget he wanted so maybe Eastwood's hands were tied and had to cut corners. When people ask me about the movie I tell them, you should read the book instead.
Rogen said what he said...he needs to own it. I have always liked how actors want to put their opinions out there and then when they get some backlash over it, they further sell their souls and hand out a faux apology because they -- and their publicist -- are worried about their careers. That is a fine definition of cowardice.

As to the other airhead...who is Alec Baldwin and why does his opinion matter?
I LOVE Seth Rogens's attempt at backpedaling. "Apples remind me of oranges, can't compare them though." Really Seth? For a Hollywood liberal elitist who fancies himself so fucking enlightened and important as compared to us lowly peasants you would think you could come up with an argument slightly better than that. Go fuck yourself Seth.
My daughter asked me if Kyle was a racist and bigot. Apparently that nonsense is going around because he called Iraqis "savages" and said killing them made him happy. Oh, that caused a furor....nevermind that his book was out forever and a day ago, the "progressives" have finally showed up to the party.

I explained to her the statements made and why. I then told her if Kyle's a "racist" then her Pop (Bulge vet, Bronze Star w. "V") and just about every other member of the armed forces who has engaged in combat is a racist. "Happy" can be a psychopath or, as in most cases like Kyle's, "happy" can mean "I'm happy I killed them before they killed my guys."

Fortunately she has a frame of reference to offset the BS floating around Facebook; most her age do not. While I laugh at the stupidity uttered by celebrities we have too many blind, non-thinking people in America who devour whatever meets their worldview, not something which runs counter to said view.
Like most, I didn't know Chris Kyle personally. I read his book. Did he call all Iraqi's "savages"? Not that I've read. Did he call the Iraqi insurgants and enemies "savages"? Absolutely. That is a very distinct difference. He even talked about the importance of being discerning when evaluating threats.

Was he infallible? Of course, not. None of us are. However, seems a lot of jackasses are throwing stuff out there without the faintest friggin' clue.
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Bryan Sikes is a Green Beret Sniper and has voiced his opinion in a very public letter to Michael Moore that has now gone viral, per Bro Bible. The response Sikes has received from the general public regarding his letter lets us all know that Michael Moore’s opinions are not worth much.

“Mr. Moore —

Good afternoon there sweetheart, I hope this finds you alive and well. You can thank our men and women of the armed forces for that, by the way, and that also includes us cowardly snipers. It seems you’ve found time between licking the jelly off your fingers and releasing your grasp of a bear claw to tweet some junk about snipers being cowards.

My buddies and I got a good laugh over the tweet, so I thank you. For a guy worth $50 million dollars, you sure have quite a bit to bitch and cry about. I guess like a moth to flame, you too gravitate towards things that are popular and in the moment — in this case it’s snipers. Too bad for you that your attempt at being relevant via your 70+ year old family experience has failed. It has only made you look dumber than a bag of hammers. Next time you should try something more original than going after snipers for one reason or another…that was so last month.

It’s typical of “men” like you to criticize the intestinal fortitude, focus, discipline and patriotism of a sniper. It must stem from an inferiority complex or something. But hey, it’s okay cupcake. We snipers are thick skinned and the efforts of world class turds such as yourself to portray us in a negative light only makes us laugh. If you and I were in the same room, I’d throw you a smile and gently pat you on the head knowing you’re nothing more than a mouth breathing, Crisco sweating waste of space not even worthy of being in the presence of a sniper. It’s almost funny how people like you preach things like ‘acceptance’ and ‘not passing judgement’ or ‘labeling people’, but then are the first to do so when a person is in some way dissimilar from you.

So tenderfoot, I leave you with this final thought: what if you found yourself in some sort of hostage situation where you were held at knife-point by some crazed person and they were dead set on making an example of you by bleeding you out on Hollywood Blvd in front of the world, and the only way out was with the precision aimed fire of a sniper? Would you want that coward to take the shot? Because knowing how you feel about snipers such as myself and your hatred of firearms, I’d probably drop the mag, roll the bolt and go get a Jack & Coke before helping you out.

Very Respectfully,

Ok... I guess I'm out of touch.... BUT, What in the name of Fuck is a Seth Rogen, and why should I care about what spouts out its pie hole?

You know how Eskimo's have like 11 different names for different types of snow? Well seth rogen is one of the 514 names for different types of faeces.
Good flick, some nice moments & a story well told. I particularly liked the bar scene when they first meet. Clint had always made films about men like this & this is no criticism, just observation.
Gary Sinise tells Howard Dean to STFU over his asinine comments about American Sniper.

To Howard Dean,
I saw American Sniper and would not consider myself to be an angry person. You certainly have a right to make stupid blanket statements, suggesting that all people who see this film are angry, but how is that helpful sir? Do you also suggest that everyone at Warner Brothers is angry because they released the film? That Clint Eastwood, Jason Hall, Bradley Cooper, Sienna Miller and the rest of the cast and crew are angry because they made the film? Chris Kyle's story deserved to be told. It tells a story of the stress that multiple deployments have on one military family, a family representative of thousands of military families. It helps to communicate the toll that the war on terror has taken on our defenders. Defenders and families who need our support. I will admit that perhaps somewhere among the masses of people who are going to see the film there may be a few that might have some anger or have been angry at some point in their lives, but, with all due respect, what the hell are you talking about?

This picture is pretty cool too!

Saw it with HH6 tonight. Powerful, and moving.
I also take issue with the claim he called ALL Iraqi's savages; I took his statement to just reflect his views on people that would take a power drill and drill holes into a young child, or a mother who send her son off to hurl a grenade knowing he will probably die.
This is what some think in Baghdad...
“Some people watching were just concentrating, but others were screaming ‘F*ck, shoot him! He has an IED, don’t wait for permission!!’” Mohammed laughed, recounting the film’s many tense scenes when US Navy SEAL sniper Chris Kyle, played by Bradley Cooper, radios in for authorization to take out a potential threat in his crosshairs.
Saw it with HH6 tonight. Powerful, and moving.
I also take issue with the claim he called ALL Iraqi's savages; I took his statement to just reflect his views on people that would take a power drill and drill holes into a young child, or a mother who send her son off to hurl a grenade knowing he will probably die.

Exactly what I took from it too, and what I believe the context of it is!

Typical of liberals to throw the race card out there though. :rolleyes: Wankers.